Sunday, November 21, 2010

November Family Updates

Niekie at her cousines 3rd Bday at McDonalds, nearly 12 and it starts to show, a few more years/ months and bye bye control, still a sweety though!
Janneke at the same party, throwing the sweet madonna look, does anybody knows a monastry I can lock her up until she is 18?

Still a bit of business, Arjen shaking hands with David 'Duck' Anderson, wine maker and owner of Wild Duck Creeck Estate! An old family friend and he granted me the import & distribution right for his wines in Singapore. A real honour as he was one of the first Aussies scoring 100/100 with Robert Parker Jr with the Duck Muck, Papa is happily proud and David shows where he wants his logo!

Janneke is building her new friend, amazing! we used to find one, :-)!

The family shot, yes it's getting older, older, older,,,

Well a princess deserves the best, at least once a year, Hilton high tea it is!

The Birthday Priness in her favorite colour, 'Pretty in pink'? or what?